Monday, October 17, 2011

A Car Crash take away the life of Dan Wheldon….

On Sunday the famous British Indycar driver Dan Wheldon has died.He died after the horrible 15-car crash at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway.It was shocking news for the lovers of motor sports.

When the car climbed the back of other vehicle,the two-time winner of the Indy 500 was moving more than 220 miles per hour into a turn.He was the one and only driver who challenged to contend for a $5million bonus in the race.And he divided the money with a randomly selected fan.

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Monday, October 10, 2011

Casey Anthony was silent………………

Casey Anthony,the heartless Florida mother who tried to murder her daughter Caylee but set free by pronouncing not guilty.On Saturday she wore a baseball hat,sunglasses and did not give most questions in a video deposition related the death of her daughter in the civil defamation.

In July 2005 Anthony was acquitted of murdering her child,her attorney said Caylee died in an accidental drowning in their pool.The jury found Casey Anthony not guilty of first-degree murder.But she was found guilty of 4 counts of providing wrong information to a law enforcement officer.Casey Anthony was sentenced to $1,000 in fines and 1-year in jail for each of the four counts.

 On Sunday she was called for asking some serious questions.But Anthony answered some of the questions.She told that the last time she talked to her mother was October 14, 2008.Her mother hadnot seen her granddaughter in a month.She searched for the child and after casey was pointed out on a murder charge her searching was going on.

But in December 2008 Caylee’s remains were found in a wooded area near her home.
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Thursday, October 6, 2011

‘STEVE JOBS’…..The Everlasting Innovator of America

Steve Jobs was an genius inventor and entrepreneur of America.He was the co-founder,CEO,and Chairman of Apple Inc.He was also the executive producer of Toy Story.Jobs left the earth on October 5 because of pancreatic cancer.

Jobs was born in San Francisco in 1955 and adopted by an American family.After his high school graduation he enrolled at Reed College in Portland.After only one semester he dropped out from this college.In 1974 he took a job as a technician at Atari.In 1976 Jobs,Ronald Wayne and Steve Wozniak established Apple with A.C.Mike Markkula Jr.,the engineer and the then semi-retired intel product marketing manager.He designed,improved and marketed one of the first lines of personal computers.Then jobs introduced the Macintosh,which was the first commercially successful small computer with a graphical user interface.In 1985 Jobs lost the power struggle with the board of directors and then he resigned from Apple;he created NeXT,a computer platform.Jobs marketed NeXT products to the academic community,financial,scientific,highlighting its new technologies

.In 1996 Apple bought NeXT and brought Jobs back to Apple.In 1997 Jobs named as a CEO of Apple.Then he started to introduce new products to the world such as ipod,iphone etc.He brought a great success for Apple by his hard-working and charismatic dedication.Jobs was also a good human being.He served his employees by his nice behaviour.He always concentrates on innovation, attractive design and customers need.He was both praised and criticized for his consummate ability at salesmanship and persuation in his entire life.

According to Forbes,his net wealth $8.3 billion,he held 5.426 million Apple shares, as well as 138 million shares in Disney.Steve Jobs was granted stock options in the amount of 7.5 million shares of Apple.He married Laurene Powell in 1991.He had 4 childrens.

In mid-2004 Jobs had been diagnosed with a cancerous tumor in his pancreas.He also had been suffering from a hormone imbalance since 2009.In the same year he underwent a liver transplant.On August 24,2011 he resigned from his role as Apple’s CEO because of the death-trap.He announced Tim Cook as a next CEO of Apple,who acted as CEO in Jobs absence, and involved with major strategic decisions.

On October  5,2011 Jobs died  at age 56 in California.The world lost an awesome person,a business legend and an unique inventor.Though he lost his life but he will be considered as an eternal person.The undying person Steve Jobs will live in the heart of every people forever.
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The Genius of Creation….”Steve Jobs”

October 5,Our world has lost another amazing person ‘Steve Jobs’;the American computer entrepreneur and the co-founder of Apple Inc.Jobs who brought radical changes to Apple and gave the best position through his design,marketing and creation.Apple has lost the visionary and the greatest innovators.After a long battle with cancer,the former chief executive officer of Apple has died at the age of 56.

 US President Barack Obama,the founder of Microsoft Bill Gates and many other notable people in U.S. expressed sorrow and truly sad to learn of Job’s death.Everybody said he was the best and iconic business leader.

Jobs had an aggressive and demanding personality.His passion for creativity will carry on for decades to come.He will be considered as the legend for ever.Steve Jobs is a deathless person,he will remain in our heart.
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Friday, September 30, 2011

Rick Santorum regrets for declaring a ban on Papaw

On Thursday night the current presidential candidate of GOP Rick Santorum regretted for a misunderstanding which led the ex-senator to publicly declare a ban on pawpaw.Pawpaw is a fruit look like a mango,was popular in 1700s and 1800s.Recently this fruit has been again discovered and commercialized.According to the food scientists,Pawpaw contains a lot of nutrients and a high antioxidant.

So Rick Santorum expressed sorrow and said that it is a wonderful fruit.It can be the American next health wonder fruit.
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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

At last the final killer in Craigslist robbery go to prison

On Friday the last defendant in the murder of an Edgewood man that was killed after placing a Craig list ad was given a life sentence in prison.
Clabon Berniad,the judge sentenced to over 123 years in prison for finding him guilty,robbery,assaul and burglary.
Berniard was accused of helping in the murder of Jim Sanders and botched robbery.
Amanda Knight was given a 71-year sentence,Kiyoshi Higashi sentenced to 109 years,Joshua Reece sentenced to 100 years.
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Saturday, September 17, 2011


On Friday a vintage World War II-era fighter plane plunged into the grandstands during a famous annual air show,which was killing more than 2 people,injuring at least 50 spectators.It was making a horrible scenery,body parts and smoking debris were scattered loosely here and there.

An 80-year-old pilot run the plane,suddenly spiraled out of control and appeared to separate into parts upon impact.Bodies those are bloodied extend widely across the location.people tended to the victims and ambulances rushed to the spot.Maureen Higgins of Alabama,who has been visiting the show for 16 years,told when the pilot lost control,he was on his third lap.

It was a vast accident, probably this community has seen in decades.The community is pulling together to try to deal with the scope of it.Hospitals have certainly geared up and staffed up to deal with this problem.
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Friday, September 16, 2011

James Carvile said ‘Panic’

James Carvile,the strategist of Democracy gave ambiguous comment about Obama and also gave some advice to President Obama.People often requested to him to say something about the white house.The question is what should the white house do now?He said just one word “panic”.

He said to Obama that the time has come to demand a plan of action that need a change from the direction he is headed.He said that the person who is responsible for financial crisis should fire.James also provided some important advice such as,making a better case for stimulus spending.

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Listeria outbreak………

A sudden illness which is an outbreak of listeriosis has killed more than 3 people.People across four states are attacked with it.It can generally result from consumption of dairy,hot dogs and deli meats.

Listeria is harmful for elderly,small children,and specially pregnant women.They have to face a miscarriage or many other problems.

To ignore listeria until the end of official test people should not eat cantaloupe from the Rocky Ford growing region.They also avoid deli meats,soft cheeses and hot dogs.  
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Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Unforgettable FLIGHTS

Ten years have passed since the pathetic event 9/11 happened.But still we can hear the heart-rending sound of that day.The September 11 attacks was a horrible suicide-attack upon the U.S. in Newyork and Washington,D.C. areas on the morning of Sep.11,2001.19 terrorists of al-Qaeda hijacked four passenjers jets and crashed two planes into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center intentionally. Hijackers crashed a third plane into the Pentagon And the last one,United Airlines Flight 93,crashed into a field near Shanksville,Pennsylvania before it could arrive its intended target in Washington, D.C. after the passengers tried to take control.Atleast 3,000 people died in the terrible attacks.Osama bin Laden, was claimed for the attack.Few months ago,in May 2011, bin Laden was found and killed.

This destructive attack caused many damages.Along with the 11-floor Twin Towers ,other buildings of World Trade Center site were destroyed very badly.The north and south towers and Marriott hotel were absolutely destructed.The U.S. custom house with the 4 World Trade Center and 5 World Trade Center and also the pedestrian bridges were damaged.The Deutsche Bank was partially demolished and the two buildings of World Financial Center had to face many damages.Pentagon was severely damaged by the burst attack and partly collapsed.The attack caused a large damage in the economy of U.S. and world market.  That attack was so hazardous that people were died of smoke inhalation.More than 6000 people were injured,communications equipment was also destroyed  by this abominable terrorism.But media stations were capable to begin again broadcasts.And a substantial search and rescue activities was started within hours of attack.But the New York city was scattered and people were so nervous.

But it was amazing that they could recover within a short time.The World Trade Center was cleared by the end of May 2002.But they could not return the lives,those lost by the attack.

So,We don't want this types of violence again.We want peace,no terrorism .We need a happy livable world.

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Friday, September 2, 2011

The Dashing New C 200BE AvantGarde

Mercedes-Benz India launches the attractive New C 200BE AVANTGARDE.It is very special and different in nature and has a magnificent and fashionable look.It is designed with high standards in its every parts.The intensive new generation C-Class offers a presence of safety and comfort.It also able to move quickly.It is a luxurious and iconic model.

The New C-Class set a level of quality.It is a embodiment of style.The C-Class’s internal and external design is very impressive.At the same time it create a more masculine appearance. It will able to take an beneficial position in the competitive line-up.

The New 200BE offers a great traveling opportunity to the ease-loving customers.This stylish C-Class has a dynamic technological process.  
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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Tax Relief to the Irene affected areas……

The Internal Revenue Service(IRS) told Thursday taxpayers lived in New Jersey,NewYork,Puerto Rico and North Carolina will get tax relief and another particular places will be added in future days following additional destroy assessments by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.Now IRS is providing tax relief to the Irena affected business and individual of the East Coast.

IRS extended some payment deadlines.It contains the estimated tax payment for the third quarter,due 15th September.This also includes many businesses and corporations that build an extension until Sept. 15 to file 2010 returns,businesses and individuals that presented with a same extension until 17th October.

The beginning date for the relief in many areas and informationon how to demand a disaster diminution by making amends for a previous-year tax return,can be obtained in tax announcements for each states on

 In the affected areas of North Carolina,New York,New Jersey and Puerto Rico now tax relief is available.IRS also plans to declare tax relief in other Irene attacked areas.
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Yes!HE is Ned Kelly……….

 Edward Ned Kelly,the popular bushranger of Australia,who was murdered in November 1880,has been identified.Yes! At last the headless remains of the outlaw have been established officially.

From the DNA test it is sure that a set of bones made a dead body at a prison in Melbourne are what’s left of Ned Kelly,a abominable criminal whose team robbed banks and murdered many officers in 1880.

To confirm the identity of the remaining body,Scientists took DNA from the grandson of Kelly’s sister.They can identify the body of the person who was dead 130 years before.They identified him among 33 other unidentified prisoners.It is really awesome.

It is a fantastic feeling of reassurance and relaxation for the Australian that finally the story came to an end.But the story of skull still to be a obscure fact.To identify of the rests the same DNA is used,which showed that the skull which supposed to be Kelly’s,is not his at all.

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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

How is the ‘Motorola Droid 3’?

Droid 3 is the latest model of Motorola’s premium line.,which is completely different from the other models.This phone is bigger than the previous models.Not only in size,it has also other impressive developments in design.

The Droid 3 is 123.3mm tall and 64.11mm wide,wih a hardware keyboard.It has a dual-core 1GHzz processor and 512 MB of RAM.It is squarish in shape with a 4-inch qHD display.It has micro HDMI,micro USB and 3.5 mm headphone jack.Motorola throws in WiFi,Bluetooth,GPS,an accelerometer, and a compass---all norms make it a smart phone.The phone has Android 2.3 ‘Gingerbread’the current version of Google‘s operating system.Audio,Video formats and Youtube also available on the Droid 3.The Camera is an 8 megapixel shooter with 1080p HD video capture support.The battery life of this phone is incredible.It also can be used in sunlight.

But it has some bad qualities also.The Droid 3 lacks 4G.The qHD display of the smartphone is not so sharp and bright.The performance is not as snappy.Picture quality Call sould be better.According to the users,it’s battery life also short.

Customers who have a powerful desire for keyboards it will be superb,but the most of the improvements of this phone are not so impressive at all.
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Verizon Wireless on the Top………………

Verizon Wireless,the large and reputed company provides perfect customer services in New Maxico and 15 other states.It gained the highest position by J.D.Power Associates in its ‘2011 Wireless Network Quality Performance Study—Volume 2.

J.D.Power and Associates compared Verizon wireless with other carriers on the basis of customers complaining of dropped calls,failed or late voicemails,lost calls,mobile web connection errors,transmission failures,initial connection issues,and delayed text messages.Verizon has consistently taken the first place among all in performance, reliability, and customer care.And that’s why J.D.Power Associate declared it the NO.1.Company.

Verizon Wireless has biggest and reliable voice and 3G network coverage area in U.S.It said that it costs more than $6 billion to stay in reliable network.So we can say Veizon Wireless deserves the top position.
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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

IRENE of 2011..………..A Perishable Cyclone

Hurricane Irene of 2011 was a typical and powerful cyclone which attacked the Caribbean,the East Coast of the United States and Atlantic Canada.It passed through New York city with small damage,but caused devastating destruction in the different parts of New York State.

Lesser Antilles,Greater Antilles,New Jersey,New York,Bahamas,Eastarn U.S.,Canada,Turks and Caicos and many other areas was affected by this mortal Irene.The perishable Irene caused extensive damages and atleast 44 deaths.According to preliminary estimates monetary losses to the Caribbean could be US$3.1 billion.

 Caribbean,U.S.,Carolinas and Virginia,Maryland,Delware,pennsylvania,New Jersey and New York,New England,Canada,in every state the tropical storm warnings were declared in response to the formation of Irene.Each governor declared a state of emergency in preparation for Irene.
Irene was the most dangerous cyclone,it caused a great impact in every state of U.S:

Irene affected many places of Canada.Heavy rain and high winds in Quebec knocked out power to 250,000 houses,felled branches of tree and some buildings,traffic lights destroyed in Montreal.In Charlevoix other section of road was washed out,Estire was also affected by flood.

In New Jersey,severe flooding took place at the Trenton Train Station along Assunpink Creek,it damaged SEPTA’s Trenton line,Amtrak’s Northest Corridor and Transit’s Corridor Railline of New Jersey.Flooding also occurred in many rivers due to largest rainfall.Because of this flooding 6 people were dead in New Jersey.

In New York  the Hudson River flooded and that was at about a foot deep.The tracks were blocked by mudslides in several places.Many disastrous flash floods occurred in many places of New York.Due to these floods many homes and business have been withput electricity,few people also died in New York.In Massachusetts hill towns and western Massachusetts were damaged largely,200 people were evacuated like a precaution yet.New Englanders squatted down for this mitigated accident.Two deaths occurred in New England.

In U.S countless trees uprooted,homes are damaged and power lines also destroyed.Atleast 40 deaths occurred in U.S. and Early damage estimates are about $7 billion in the US.

Irene affected Florida and long stretches of South Carolina coastlines.The winds felled trees and some people were injured in two states due to this cyclone.Destructible Irene also left extensive destroyed in north Carolina.It overturned many vehicles and destroyed manifold leveled houses.Two persons were killed by falling trees and also a man drowned due to the flood.

 In Turks and Caicos during Irene’s storm residences reported loss of power and light poles and the Grand Turk cruise port also faced some minor damages.Dozens of home were effaced in Bahamas.The storm caused structural damages on several of the islands of Bahamas.

In Puerto Rico,hurricane-force winds toppled multiple tress and utility poles,leaving more than 1 million residences without electricity. Several coffee,crop plants,and banana plantations faced minor damages.In Puerto Rico,Irene affected over 1,500 people and one driver was killed after their vehicle was caught in swollen currents,Offshore near Culebra island,a sailboard was reported sunken because of the landfall in Puerto Rico.On the island of Vieques,the airport of the island stopped its activities and some telephone and power service cutsoffs were reported.In Cuba irene caused a coastal flooding and some damaged are occurred in few areas of it.

Some areas of Hispaniola had to face this vast cyclone.Due to rainfall and flooding many roads,homes are completely destroyed.In Haiti,2 people died and 4 suffered injuries.

Many islands of Lesser Antilles were damaged by the tropical storm.Necker island sparked a large fire at the resort homes of Business magnate Richard Branson,English famous celebrity Kate Winslet was in that house.But luckily she was able to leave the area.The winds caused dispersed power outages across all islands.

 The causive Irene spoiled many areas and islands of United States largely.It tooks many lives and also brought so miseries for the general people.It is really very sorrowful and pathetic event.

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Friday, August 26, 2011

Verizon Wireless Said ........'NO GALAXY S II'

Verizon Wireless,the largest mobile telecommunications network and wireless phone provider in the United State,plaaned to sell a Galaxy S II on AT&T,Sprint and T-Mobile for the summer.But they are not going to do this.They will not sell a Galaxy S II smartphone .

The Spokesperson of Verizon Wireless said that they have an broaden portfolio that will offer a large variety of devices,enclosing Samsung Droid Charge.
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Thursday, August 25, 2011

A Large Investment In Bank of America..........

Berkshire Hathaway Inc., the American conglomerate holding company is going to buy 50,000 shares of Cumulative Perpetual Preferred Stock of Bank of America Corporation.The liquidation value is $100,000 per share.The dividend of the stock is 6% per Annam,which is payable in quarterly installment and is redeemable at a 5% premium.

According to the agreement,Berkshire Hathaway will also get warrants of purchasing 700,000,000 shares of common stock of Bank Of America at the price of $7.142857 per share.

The CEO of Bank Of America said that a huge investment by Berkshire Hathaway is a powerful support in their strategy.The strategy of Bank of America of serving the customers impresses the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway.He is pleased with profit-originating capabilities of this franchise.
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Good Morning America…..In a New Look!

Here is a news for the viewers of Good Morning America………….

Good Morning America (GMA)the American morning news and talk show is going to take a new look.

John D’Incecco the director of GMA has left and starts a new show.The executive director of ABC News,Jeff Winn will be the next director of GMA.And a new location will be tastefully renovated for the show.
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Pertusis attack the innocent infant

Recently in Snohomish country many infants dead because of the arising of pertusis.

Not only Snohomish,Washington also faced 75 reported event of newborn pertusis.40 babies,not more than 2 months,had to admit in hospital,and two childrens death in previous year.The CDC has suggested TDap vaccine which is made up of tetanus and diphtheria toxoids and pertussis antigens which containing cells once for all matured people with baby contact.

 The vaccine is used to immunize little babies and newborns against pertusis.So every children should be taken the vaccine for the welfare of their health by their parent.

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The Best Leader of Business” Steve Jobs”

After the resignation of Jobs as a Apple’s CEO,many comments from different people are come out:

The American computer engineer and the founder of Apple Computer,Steve Wozniak said that Jobs is one of the successful company chiefs.

Walt Mossberg said he is going to be the best business leader for the next 100 years.Not only for Apple,but for the whole global technology industry,he is the historic figure in business,he added.

According to TechCrunch,Jobs discovered  a growing snowball of innovation,hype.He was faithful to customer and created scale that could be seen with astonishing in the iPad.

The good news is,though Jobs resigns as CEO of Apple,he will work on the board of Disney.
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Tim Cook,who joined as the chief operating officer in Apple Inc.Company,is the new CEO of Apple.He was hired by Steve Jobs.He  managed  day-to-day activities of the company.

Cook was the VP for Corporate Materials at Compaq.He also worked as Senior Vice President for Worldwide Operations and served as the COO of the computer reseller division of Intelligent Electronics and joined as the director of North American Fulfillment in IBM's personal computer business.

Tim Cook worked as a CEO many times,While Steve Jobs was recovering from pancreatic cancer surgery.Infact when CEO Steve Jobs took  most major decisions,Cook was involved in Apple’s day-to-day activities.

Cook was suggested as next CEO by Steve Jobs,when he resigned as CEO of Apple.

CONGRATULATION Cook…………...and all the best for your new responsibilities.
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JOBS Said Goodbye……… APPLE

Steven Paul ‘Steve’ Jobs,the American business magnate and the former CEO of Apple Inc.He was the successful CEO of Apple Inc.He resigned as CEO of Apple.He said that it is quiet hard for him to continue his duties in full swing and fill the expectations as Apple’s CEO.

Actually he has fought with pancreatic cancer for years,taking treatments for cancer and liver transplantion,and also suffering from many other diseases.Doctors said that patient attack with pancreatic cancer has a little duration.So Jobs took the decision.

He thanked all people related with Apple for being with him so many years. He wanted to see Tim Cook,the COO of Apple,as the next CEO of Apple.At last he wished Apple a very luminous and successful  future.

Jobs has made Apple into a world class company with honour and effortless grace.Really JOBS is the titan of the brilliant American inventors and businessmen.
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Wednesday, August 24, 2011


A strong,3.6 magnitude earthquake attacked San Francisco on Tuesday night, and the next morning a second earthquake struck in Central California. San Francisco suffered a dangerous earthquake just last night.On 24th August 2011,another 4.2 magnitude earthquake hit east in Central California.USGS try to find if the two earthquakes were related.

People felt so nervous.Now they are afraid of current situation.
Now earthquakes are common calamity in the U.S.Colorado also faced a small earthquake on Monday and the large quake hit Tuesday.

Earthquake has really become a big danger for U.S.

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Washington Monument………In a Tilted Condition

It is impossible to imagine that the Washington Monument is cracked by  the 5.9 magnitude earthquake in Virginia.Is the monument capable of being wounded?
Many news channel are making many reports thar the monument is damaged by the earthquake.But the agency spokesman told that the Washington Monument is alright,there was no damage to the monument.They reopen the Jefferson Memorial and the Lincoln Memorial on Tuesday evening,but closed the Washington Monument due to its structural complexities,when they said the monument is completely fine.
And at last National Park Service officials paid attention at the Washington monument on Tuesday and discovered some cracks at the top of the world's tallest tapering stone pillar.Now the Structural engineers decide to continue examining the monument Wednesday.
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Monday, August 22, 2011

PROTECT YOUR BABY.................

Heart malformations are the most dangerous kind of birth defect.This defect is increasing day by day and become life-threatening for the recently born baby.All newborns should take a simple oxygen test before they come their sweet home.

The oximetry test evaluate how much oxygen is in the blood utilizing a soft light device that responds to physical stimuli that's taped around a baby's wrist,the filch of a hand,or the bottom of a foot.At least 24 hours after birth of a baby the pulse oximetry test executed in healthy babies.
 So when the baby is not sleeping,the pulse oxygen will have to test with a examine on the right hand or foot.

Every parent should conscious about pulse oximetry for their newborns........
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Saturday, August 13, 2011

A Horrible Accident....takes the deadless life-"Tareq Masud'

An accident is a specific, unpredictable, unusual and unintended external action which occurs in a particular time and place, with no apparent.It claims the lives of a people or leave them wounded and crippled.It takes so many precious lives.

      Such an accident occured yesterday,which takes the life of our brilliant and talented director Tareq Masud.yes.....Award-winning Bangladeshi film-maker Tareq Masud died Saturday along with four other people in a road crash west of the country’s capital, Dhaka.

Tareq Masud.......was the reformer of bangla movies.If the world of bangla cinema is a sky,then the blazing star of the sky is Tareq Masud.His movies are the witness of the Liberation War of Bangladesh.We can see the true secenery of our liberation war from his films.He was one of the pioneers in the film revival movement in Bangladesh.

 Masud made his debut in the filmdom directing a documentary on Artist SM Sultan “Adam Surat” or “image of human being” in 1989 and drew massive attention of connoisseurs, but his “Muktir Gan” of “Songs of Freedom” earned him maximum fame as it was released in 1995.He also gives us  many other terrific movies like............

*  Matir Moina((The Clay Bird)
*      Runway
*      Ontarjatra
*      Noroshundor (The barber)
*      Muktir Kotha (The Story of Freedom)

Matir Moina was  the first Bangladeshi film to compete for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language film,which was so honorable for our country.It got the International Critics' Prize and in 2002 Cannes Film Festival.

It was received with critical praise and toured the international circuit. It was one of the first Bangladeshi films to be widely circulated and was greeted with enthusiasm for its realistic depiction of life without the melodrama that is prevalent in many other South Asian films. It was also nominated for Directors Guild of Great Britaina and  Outstanding Directorial Achievement in Foreign Language Film.This awesome film got many other international  awards.Ontorjatra, is a tale of two generations of Bangladeshi diaspora in London.His every movie was educative.We can see the reality of life in his movie.

His forthcoming film was Kagojer Phool (The Paper Flower). He along with the other passengers were traveling to choose shooting locations for this film.But he could not retun home…….we don’t know that we could see the film or not in future.

We lost  the prominent person of our country.He is no more.But he will remain in our heart.Because TAREQ MASUD  is deathless 
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