Monday, October 10, 2011

Casey Anthony was silent………………

Casey Anthony,the heartless Florida mother who tried to murder her daughter Caylee but set free by pronouncing not guilty.On Saturday she wore a baseball hat,sunglasses and did not give most questions in a video deposition related the death of her daughter in the civil defamation.

In July 2005 Anthony was acquitted of murdering her child,her attorney said Caylee died in an accidental drowning in their pool.The jury found Casey Anthony not guilty of first-degree murder.But she was found guilty of 4 counts of providing wrong information to a law enforcement officer.Casey Anthony was sentenced to $1,000 in fines and 1-year in jail for each of the four counts.

 On Sunday she was called for asking some serious questions.But Anthony answered some of the questions.She told that the last time she talked to her mother was October 14, 2008.Her mother hadnot seen her granddaughter in a month.She searched for the child and after casey was pointed out on a murder charge her searching was going on.

But in December 2008 Caylee’s remains were found in a wooded area near her home.


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